Iftar with family

Saturday, 12.09.2009 @ Equatorial Bangi Hotel..

Attendees: Ayah, Mummy, Kak Long Maya, Abang Apis, Mak Long, Pok De, Acu, Aini, Afkar, Akmal & Apam...

Absent with reason: Little Hannah (InsyaAllah, next time Hannah ye..)

Pics taken before little Hannah sent to Acik An's, the babysitter..

Special pose by "4 hungry monsters" right before we entered the hotel..

Acu said; "Aini, doa dulu la!!! Dah lapar sangat ke.."

The first round done..But we want more..lotsmore..!! Yumyum..

Mother, daughter & son...eh, where's the father huh?

Cheers ladies..

Last pose before we left...ALHAMDULILLAH.

Good bye..Hope we can come again next year..!

P/s...On that day Little Hannah spent her night at Acik An's..hahaha..My poor little baby..

*ibumu yang malasss cun..*

~ Hannah Haris ~

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