Without you..my pinky buai

Monday, 12/10/2009...

Today I carved another history..

I finally managed to sleep without my beloved pinky stinky buai..Yesssss!

And of course, an exhausted body due to a non-stop playing session since evening was indeed a helpful tip..hehe.

After struggling nearly 1 hour by rolling over and over and over...
Changing places from north to south to east and back to the north..
And after all the troubles I caused mummy to safeguard me from falling off the bed..*cheeky face*
Then I found a very nice spot to tenyeh my hidung at to immerse my face into..

Yeah...It was mummy's pillow..A HUGE and PUFFY one compared to my own!

So, the next step was very easy. It didn't take me long at all before I reached mummy's my tranquility..zzzzzz..


see this pillow is sooo big..

I think I smell something here..What is it really huh...hmmm.

*Met my best friend, badak merah ..we play, play and play...

*Suddenly, came another best friend, the greeny giraffe..play3x..

*Another best friend came, the yellow duckly duck..we play3x..

final destination. After been lifted to my own territory..Gud nite everyone..*Play3x..

~ Hannah Haris ~

2 news from my friend(s).... on "Without you..my pinky buai"

Anonymous said...

hehe...comel sgt...skrg dah bleh tdo atas katil eh..cpat2 besar, nnti dah bleh jalan2 pulak..hehe

-kak chik-

Hannah Haris on October 19, 2009 at 9:18 AM said...

Yelah Kak Chik...Dah besar & boleh jalan nanti bleh ikut kak long pi tido kat lab pujaan dia tu...Mummy bleh la rilekss & pi berdating..ahaks.