My first two...

Friday, 23.10.2009...

Like every other day mummy and ayah will pick me up from Acik An's straight after they came back from work..

Also without fail Acik An and mummy will be chit-chatting about only-God-knows-what-topic before mummy call it a day.. They sometimes talked about me too..about my all day activities/progress or my tantrum if there is any (..coz Acik An always puji me such a gooood gurll..thehe..he..he)

Anyway, today seems like a bit different..

Acik An has enlightened mummy on one BIG news, I supposed.. Followed by mummy screaming happily..Ahah.

I must say I was so kepochi eager to know what all the talking was about..So there I was, pretending busy watching the birds at the yard a.k.a eavesdropping..While they busy chit-chatting..

"NAK TAHU talk BATANG talk talk talk.. talk..AIR talk more...horayyyy.."

Obviously it was all ME they were fussing about that evening.. Me with my new TWO BOTTOM FRONT TEETH I guess..

But why must they make such a BIG deal out of it, I really don't understand..ADULT!!

Thehee..hee..he..he.*still smiling with no teeth*

Can you see my two little teeth?? Look closer.. No??? You must have an eye check then..

Me having my time happily at the edge of my bed..but why mummy is screaming at me huh..??!!

See..tak jatuh pun...see..see..

~ Hannah Haris ~

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